Transforming Tunnelling Safety

TunnelSkills is a Strategic Partner to the Transforming Tunnelling Safety (TTS) group and the British Tunnelling Society.

These organisations share common aims which include improving the health and safety performance of UK tunnelling works, through sharing of best practice and communicating messages on these matters in an aligned, open and consistent manner. In this way, these communications can reach as many people as possible in the tunnelling industry.

TTS represents all areas of the tunnelling sector: with leading tunnelling expert representatives from Clients, Designers, Consultants and Contractor organisations and other industry representative bodies such as TunnelSkills. Here is the link to the TTS webpage on the BTS website: Transforming Tunnelling Safety.

Over the last few years, the group has worked collaboratively to align, standardise and promote the approach to competence across the whole of the tunnelling industry. The result of this work is the SKATE (Skills, Knowledge, Attitude, Training and Experience) Matrix. This Matrix provides a single, succinct and up-to-date source of competence information for the wide variety of roles and occupations across the sector.

See the SKATE Matrix

By defining the different occupations, roles and levels and promoting an industry-wide source of related competence information, TTS and TunnelSkills aim to increase awareness not only of competence, but an awareness that safeguards the welfare, development and ultimately the safety of colleagues across the tunnelling sector.

TunnelSkills is proud to actively support the creation and maintenance of the SKATE Matrix. If you have any queries, comments, or suggestions related to the Matrix, please email: